DIY Halloween Pickle jar + a little pickle

Last years DIY Halloween costume *may* just be one of my faves that we’ve ever done (and by WE, I mean, my son and I)! 🙂 Because this was allllll his idea! 🙂 I call Esther my little pickle all the time, because, well, she is a tricky little pickle sometimes with her choices or lack-thereof (ya know, toddlers)! 🙂 And one day in the car while running errands, Zeke told me that Esther should be a pickle for Halloween. I asked him, “well then what should you be?” He thought awhile. And then burst out “A PICKLE JAR!!!!” Duh! Of course! A pickle jar!Â
So, today, we give you a DIY Pickle Jar Halloween costume + a little pickle! 🙂

The pickle jar costume was easy easy easy, it just required some materials from Amazon, lots of hot glue and a night in front of Gilmore Girls to make it happen! 🙂 I modeled the jar costume from this sprinkle costume that Oh Happy Day published a few years ago! Just sub out the colorful balloons for green ones, spray that top gold instead of white, and make your own pickle label from paper (we LOVE our Claussens around here, so we *had* to model it after theirs)! 🙂Â

And Esther’s little pickle costume is essentially a felt romper with ribbon ties at the top. I grabbed a romper and onesie that fit her well and used that for sizing. I also had a 2nd color of green that I cut into circles, stuffed with some poly-fil and then hand stitched in a “bumpy” way to the green romper for the pickle texture! 🙂 The night of trick or treating, she wore green tights and boots and a green hat too (ya know, these cold Midwest Halloween nights?!?! 🙂Â

Oh my goodness how cute!!
Can you give me a list of the items you got to make the pickle jar ? Our last name is pickle and o wanted to dress the kids up as pickles and have one wear the jar!
Can you please tell me how you made this costume with all of the supplies? My daughter want to be this for Halloween this year. Thank you