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A flowery bedroom mural + a bunny with glasses!

Esther came to me and told me that “since I was painting all of the rooms in the house that I NEEDEDDDD to paint a bunny and flowers in her bedroom”! I mean, how can I argue with that?!?! So after a few sketches, I came up with a colorful floral mural with a deep Olive background (that I am just IN LOVE with) and then, of course, a pink bunny with glasses on the floor so that she can say good night every night to her bunny (which she happily named flower)! ๐Ÿ™‚

How to paint a floral wall mural, Floral painting DIY, bedroom mural, bedroom floral mural, mural for a bedroom, floral bedroom mural
How to paint a floral wall mural, Floral painting DIY, bedroom mural, bedroom floral mural, mural for a bedroom, floral bedroom mural
How to paint a floral wall mural, Floral painting DIY, bedroom mural, bedroom floral mural, mural for a bedroom, floral bedroom mural

I started this mural by sketching up the florals on my iPad in (my fave app) Procreate just because I wanted to get a sense of which florals I wanted to paint. I decided to “cluster” the florals a bit across the wall and I love how cohesive it makes the wall feel!

How to paint a floral wall mural, Floral painting DIY, bedroom mural, bedroom floral mural, mural for a bedroom, floral bedroom mural

ANNNND can I just say that I have *never* painted on such a dark background before but now I am HOOOOKED! I love how this darker olive sets the tone for making the florals pop! It’s a warm, natural, happy color that I am currently trying to figure out where to paint in another room in our house!

Here are the color names I used:

  • Behr color Russian Olive (background on the whole walllll)! ๐Ÿ™‚
  • Behr color Dash of Oregano
  • Behr color Tangy Green
  • Behr color Indian Spice (one of my favveeee colors that I’ve used before)
  • Behr color Egg Cream
  • Behr color Jade Mountain
  • Behr color Lunar Tide
  • Behr color Priceless Coral
  • Behr color Flamingo Feather
How to paint a floral wall mural, Floral painting DIY, bedroom mural, bedroom floral mural, mural for a bedroom, floral bedroom mural

And one thing that was new this mural too, is that since the olive green was such a dark color, it was SOOOOOO so easy to sketch the design in chalk! I barely had to sketch to get some of the shapes and scale of the florals! It was an awesome surprise! ๐Ÿ™‚

How to paint a floral wall mural, Floral painting DIY, bedroom mural, bedroom floral mural, mural for a bedroom, floral bedroom mural
How to paint a floral wall mural, Floral painting DIY, bedroom mural, bedroom floral mural, mural for a bedroom, floral bedroom mural
How to paint a floral wall mural, Floral painting DIY, bedroom mural, bedroom floral mural, mural for a bedroom, floral bedroom mural

I am suppppppper happy with how this mural all turned out! Like *SO* happy!!! The colors, the feel, the composition, the new techniques I tried….all of it! And the icing on the cake is how much Esther screamed of happiness when she saw her new pink bunny roommate! ๐Ÿ™‚

How to paint a floral wall mural, Floral painting DIY, bedroom mural, bedroom floral mural, mural for a bedroom, floral bedroom mural
How to paint a floral wall mural, Floral painting DIY, bedroom mural, bedroom floral mural, mural for a bedroom, floral bedroom mural

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  1. Oh. My. Word.

    At first, I was like: “oh no! Don’t paint over the stripes!!!” and now I can’t imagine not having this gorgeous mural.

    Paint my house next???

  2. I love this mural and would love to recreate it at home. Looking at your paints, did you get a gallon of the Russian Olive and sample size of the rest?

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