Heart shaped glasses Valentine SVG + my favorite Zenni glasses! :)
Created in partnership with (the amazing) Zenni Optical

It’s no secret that we are a glasses family….all 4 of use wear them and have for most of our lives (my son got his first pair at age 4 and my daughter at age 2)! So, needless to say, it’s our go-to accessory ANNNND we’ve been in love with Zenni Optical since the day that we’ve tried every other glasses company on the internet (HA…..real truth)! ANNNND today I am sharing a super easy and quite fun way to pizzaz up your glasses (or make yourself your very own pair) for Valentine’s Day!

These glasses are happy, colorful and just what is needed to bring a sprinkle of joy to Valentine’s Day! Feel free to cut out a whole heap of them to share with the ones you love: your neighbors, virtual classroom friends, in-person classmates or even the ones you love in your own home! 🙂 (Trust me, we will be having a Valentine’s Dance party with these ditties…because, duh!)

Grab the SVG cut files + Valentine PDFs below:
- Glasses front SVG cut file (to apply to prescription or sunglasses)
- Full Glasses SVG cut file
- “I only have eyes for you” Valentine PDF
- “You give me heart eyes” Valentine PDF
- Cardstock in your favorite Valentine colors
- Scissors
- Glue dots (for the glasses front). Tape would work as well 🙂
- Glue (for the full glasses). A glue stick, hot glue or regular school glue will work
- Washi tape + envelopes for attaching to + sending paper Valentines
- Cut out the glasses from the SVG files (download above!)

2. Fold over the side tabs of the glasses (follow the shape of the heart along the fold). Cut the side “stems” to fit from the tab to the back of the person’s ear. Then use some glue to attach the “stem” to the tabs.
TIP: You won’t necessarily “line up” the stem with the tab with the glasses to be flush. The stem will be at an angle to lie correctly on the person’s face. it is best to “hold this together” to make necessary adjustments before using glue to permanently adhere together 🙂

3. If you are using the glasses front only, you will simply put a glue dot (or piece of tape) across the nose piece of the heart glasses to attach onto your prescription glasses or sunglasses 🙂

4. Attach glasses with a piece of washi tape to the Valentine PDF if desired! Send to your friends, drop at your neighbors house or bring a smattering of these to a classroom Valentine exchange 🙂

ANDDDD! let me just say that these red Zenni glasses are simply ADORABLE (and hint hint, Zenni also has blue light blocking only glasses that are simply awesome, so even if you don’t need prescription lenses, honestly Zenni is our go-to glasses company where we every pair for our fam)! 🙂

Here are the specifics on the red ones that we have in these photos, all ordered from Zenni:
*Red Square glasses (also adorable in coral color) HERE
*Larger Red Square glasses HERE
*Red glasses HERE
*Red kids glasses HERE
Have fun making these heart glasses and, as always, tag me on social so that I can follow along with your adorable makes!

eeeek! I love them.
Love these and love Zenni!