Colorful painted windows + how to paint your windows

It’s the dread of spring when we (up north) are all lonnnggggging to be outside in the sunshine – buuut the snow isn’t melted and the rain never seems to stop! I NEEDED to add some punch of color and some happy to our time inside so I decided to paint some colorful florals on our sliding glass door on one rainy afternoon!
And I seem to get questions often about painting on windows, sooooo here is a little list of how-to AND some tips + tricks to make window painting amazing for you!

Painting on windows is SOOOO dang simple and quite frankly, I’m sure, most any paint will work (since glass is a non-porous surface)! I chose to use Acrylic paint for this project because there are TONNNNNS of amazing acrylic colors (and I could mix anything I didn’t have) AND AND AND I always have some acrylic paint on hand which makes this project even easier (I tend to believe that if too many materials are needed or a huge trip to the store, I am less likely to do or finish the project…… #makerproblems I guess).
All you will need for materials is some paint brushes, a paint palette (or a cardboard box if you’re desperate….. use up those old pizza boxes) and some paint! 🙂
It should be noted that I am choosing to paint on the INSIDE OF MY WINDOWS for this (outside window painting isn’t much different, but you’ll want to use outdoor paint to make sure that the rain/snow/sleet/heat doesn’t take off the paint) .

There are 2 ways to start the painting:
- Start with a white base layer under all of your shapes
- Start with the color right away
If you start with the base layer of white, the colors *TEND* to stand out more, the painting is more opaque AND you *may* need fewer layers of paint (although I don’t always find that to be true).
BUUUUT if you choose to start with the colors right away (which is what I did here) I tend to find that the light filters through the shapes more which I loved for these florals! Don’t be alarmed if the painting needs a 2nd coat – I did 2 coats with this project (letting the paint dry in between)!!!

The coolest thing about painting on the INSIDE of your windows is that when you look outside, you still see an amazing design that is just as happy as what you see inside 🙂