No-dye bearded Easter eggs!

If you’ve ever seen my husband or met him in real life, then you’ve likely noticed his bald head, large glasses and beard right away. They are like his “iconic” features. AND it’s a traditional that every year we decorate or color an egg for each member of our family (I started this with my parents way back when….. and we’ve carried it on with our kiddos). SO! This year I decided to actually MAKE a bald, bearded, glasses wearing egg in honor of Aaron! BAHHHHH!

These no-dye Easter eggs are *SO* easy and fun to make. With a few simple supplies, you can get quite the laughs around the Easter brunch table. AND I encourage you that if you know any bald-headed, bearded beauties, that you make some for them and give them a super special surprise this Easter week! 🙂

Natural colored eggs
Hot glue gun + hot glue
100% wool yarn, brown (I used remnants of Lambs Pride Bulky)
Card stock in various colors for glasses

- Cut out glasses from card stock
Click HERE for the svg file to use on your Cricut or other cutting machine. (you could also, easily make some sunglasses by freehand cutting just the outside line of the glasses) Make sure the glasses are sized between 1 1/2” – 2 1/4” in width depending on how large your eggs are.
TIP: if using the Cricut machine, be sure to use the medium sticky mat (not the light weight one) to make sure that it can cut out these small lines without peeling off.

2. Cut out + fluff beard strings
Cut 2 shorter pieces of string, about 1” – 1 1/2” inches long, and then “pull it apart” to fluff open the yarn to make it look more hair like. Cut 6-8 more pieces of string, about 2 – 2 1/2” long, and also fluff open as much as you’d like to create the hair-like texture.

3. Attach beard pieces + glasses
With your hot glue gun, just over 1/3 of the way up the egg, put two small swipes of hot glue angling downward for the 2 smaller mustache pieces. Then across the bottom (leaving space for what would be the lips) swipe a horizontal strip of glue for the beard pieces. Fill in as many beard pieces as necessary to make it look full. Then flip the egg over and attach the longer, loose, ends to the under-neath chin part of the egg. Trim the beard as needed.
Then with one very (VERY!) small dap of hot glue, attach the glasses.

TIP: Make sure that you flip the egg “upside down” meaning that the wider part of the egg is the top of the head, and the smaller part of the egg is the chin.