
DIY Friendship bracelet costume!

how to make a friendship bracelet costume, Vsco bracelet, friendship bracelet tutorial, how to make a friendship bracelet

Because I’ve been on a friendship bracelet kick since we hit the road on a bus with a bunch of students to Montana this past summer, I thought it only appropriate that I just *HADDDDD* to make a friendship bracelet costume before the end of this costume challenge this year! And this costume is LITERALLY one of the easiest out there…..fast and, quite frankly, very satisfying as you’re making it because it comes together right before your eyes!

how to make a friendship bracelet costume, Vsco bracelet, friendship bracelet tutorial, how to make a friendship bracelet
how to make a friendship bracelet costume, Vsco bracelet, friendship bracelet tutorial, how to make a friendship bracelet

The supplies on this costume are simple:
*2 skeins each of 3 colors of the thickest “yarn” ever, “The Knot Yarn” from Loops and Threads
* a bit of elastic
*Hot glue gun + hot glue

If you are familiar with how to make a friendship bracelet, then this will be BEYOND simple for you. Basically you are going to line up your colors in the order you want them, and begin with a forward knot (knotting twice on each strand, just as if you are making a friendship bracelet) from left to right across the width of the bracelet.

how to make a friendship bracelet costume, Vsco bracelet, friendship bracelet tutorial, how to make a friendship bracelet

I would suggest grabbing a friend (or in my case, a cut 7 year old) to help hold the top of the bracelet as you are knotting. The yarn is thick and you have to tug tightly and pull hard! Eventually Zeke just sat on top of the bracelet as we kept going so that it didn’t move! 🙂

how to make a friendship bracelet costume, Vsco bracelet, friendship bracelet tutorial, how to make a friendship bracelet

When you get to the “bottom” this is actually going to be the top (I chose to do this because the strands weren’t all “even” when we got to the end and I wanted to be able to do an overhand knot as if you were really beginning a bracelet and this was a great way to add this in). Once you get to the bottom and can’t do any more rows from left to right, grab all of your strands and tie a GIGANTIC overhand knot.

After you are done knotting, try the costume on approx. where you want it to “lay” over your body. Mark where you want to weave in some elastic to go over your body. I did 2 strands of elastic: one across from the left side over my back, over my right shoulder and another basically around my waist. Weave in your elastic and hot glue it to itself (no glue will actually go on the strands).

how to make a friendship bracelet costume, Vsco bracelet, friendship bracelet tutorial, how to make a friendship bracelet
how to make a friendship bracelet costume, Vsco bracelet, friendship bracelet tutorial, how to make a friendship bracelet

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