
Trolls (World Tour) costume DIY!

Otherwise known as: We are all just living in Esther’s world! And I am NOT at all mad about it! 🙂

With Esther’s recent obsession over Trolls World Tour and Zeke knowing EVERYYYYY word to ALL the Trolls songs (with many “concerts” happening in our basement on the regular) what else was I to do when she asked if I could make our whole family into Trolls! 
DUH! YES little girls, YES WE CAN BE TROLLS! 🙂

How to make trolls costumes, trolls costumes, trolls world tour costumes, poppy costume, queen barb costume, tiny diamond costume DIY, Biggie Mr Dinkles costume
How to make trolls costumes, trolls costumes, trolls world tour costumes, poppy costume, queen barb costume, tiny diamond costume DIY, Biggie Mr Dinkles costume

We have watched this movie no less than 94837 times. No lie. And I have a tender spot for kids movies with a good story. If you haven’t seen Trolls World Tour, lemme just give a little plug for it: the visuals are SO GOOD! Like SO GOOD! The movie is about the 6 different types of music and each “kind” of troll represent a genre….the visuals of how each type of troll is represented is just SO GOOOOOOD (spoiler alert: the country troll village is full of quilts, yarn tumbleweeds, rick-rack and stitching! It’s SOOOO GOOD)!

And the kicker is that the moral and over-arching tone is that there would be no harmonies in music without differences If we are all the same, then there is no music. (queue tears of how I want my kids deep down to know that exactly how they are made is on purpose for a purpose…..so of course I was fist pumping at the end song)!

How to make trolls costumes, trolls costumes, trolls world tour costumes, poppy costume, queen barb costume, tiny diamond costume DIY, Biggie Mr Dinkles costume

Ok, enough about my movie review…..the TROLLS COSTUMES!
Esther chose what each of us were going to be…..so naturally, she is Poppy, the pop troll Queen! 🙂

How to make trolls costumes, trolls costumes, trolls world tour costumes, poppy costume, queen barb costume, tiny diamond costume DIY, Biggie Mr Dinkles costume

Zeke is full of jokes, as an 8 year old boy is, so he is Biggie with the side kick, Mr. Dinkles

How to make trolls costumes, trolls costumes, trolls world tour costumes, poppy costume, queen barb costume, tiny diamond costume DIY, Biggie Mr Dinkles costume

I am Queen Barb, the rock and roll troll (because clearly my love of heavy metal music, leather and studs are a passion for me……can you hear me laughing)! But anything to make my kids’ imagination come to life. Also, please note that I own ZERO makeup, so I had to purchase this dark black eye stuff….so PAHHLLEASE know that someone with makeup talents could have done a MUCHO better job on my eye makeup, but ya work with whatcha got people 🙂

How to make trolls costumes, trolls costumes, trolls world tour costumes, poppy costume, queen barb costume, tiny diamond costume DIY, Biggie Mr Dinkles costume

ANNNND, the best (IMO) is my husband Aaron as Tiny Diamond! If you’ve seen the movie, you know there is a mini rap scene with Tiny Diamond and LOTS of glitter involved with this character (I am honestly surprised that Esther didn’t request Aaron’s beard be full of it)!

So, there ya have it folks…..our Halloween TROLLS Costumes! 🙂

How to make trolls costumes, trolls costumes, trolls world tour costumes, poppy costume, queen barb costume, tiny diamond costume DIY, Biggie Mr Dinkles costume

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  1. Just wanting to know if you made tiny diamonds costume or you found it somewhere? Trying to find things for my husband to be him this year??

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