Our curvy bathroom mural + using all the paint during social isolation!
Welp! It seems like the only thing these days that keeps my head on straight, is creativity. I’ve been crafting A TONNNN, but I also decided to break open some paints and tackle a few household painting projects that have been on my brain; after all I have quite a bit of hours on my hands (don’t we all?!?) 🙂

I have been eyeing up our downstairs bathroom for some time. It’s a big space that has never been painted since we moved in (ahem….7 years ago)….so this seemed like the obvious time! BUUUUT since we couldn’t leave the house to get new paint, I was challenged with making what we had work! 🙂 AND IT DID!!!!

At first I put out a few different ideas on Instagram, but then quickly realized that I didn’t have enough paint to make all of those options work, SO the survey, “pipe like”, 70’s-ish, roller skating vibe is what we are going with! I had lots of blue paint (yay) and then (of course) had to add in some mustard yellows (duh)!

I am pleased with how it turned out! And TBH, it was quite fast and easy. I think the whole painting projects was only about 5 hours total! 🙂
I basically took the ruler and made the “straight” part of the lines on the wall with a level. I measured all of the lines 4 inches apart and made all of the straight lines at one time. Then I took a push pin + string + ruler, and drew the curved part of the lines for each section.

When it came time to paint, I taped off the straight part (so that I could use foam rollers to paint it quicker than a brush) and then handprinted the curvy part. Of course I made some mistakes in the curved lines, so I had to fix some of them up at the very end of the painting process! 🙂