wine + weekend + knitting | KNITCH 2018

Some of you have heard me talk about them before: the knitch. My group of girlfriends that all started from different corners to knit together. We thought we’d be coming to share patterns and color schemes and inspiration. And we’ve done that. But we’ve also shared life together. One of us has buried a husband, another has adopted 6 kids, and one of us lives outside of the country now. One of us has battled a longterm illness, another has accompanied kiddos to the hospital more times than we can count, one of us has lost a fiancé and another a set of parents. Many of us have started businesses, had babies, renovated houses, moved houses, jobs and states of mind. But we’ve all stayed together. Despite different locations, political views or favorite Christmas stocking knitting pattern, we’ve stayed together. And I think that’s pretty darn wonderful.

I think these ladies are quite great. And I don’t say that to brag that I have amazing friends (ok, well they are pretty amazing, so maybe I do want to give them a big hug) BUUUUT I do want to say this:
We aren’t the most pulled together group of women with perfect marriages and exemplary kids and unscathed pasts. We are a group of women that came together for one common thing (our love or desire to knit) and have walked away knowing what it’s like to fight FOR and WITH one another! And that’s pretty stinking amazing.
They’ve taught me how to read a knitting pattern, how to love my husband more and how to be better organized. They’ve shown me how to be a better parent, home cook, friend and neighbor. And they’ve encouraged me to love the people that are the hardest in my life to love. We’ve talked about sex, skeins and society….and more than anything, they’ve ALWAYS, always, *always* given me a place to go where I am loved and accepted and encouraged and hugged and prayed for and heard, even when every single one of them disagrees with me!
Like I said, we don’t always agree on the ways of life, and we certainly struggle and have to fight for our friendships with one another, but we can ALL agreed on one thing: we need one another.
We knit together through love and loss and we like it that way! 🙂
AND this year marked TEN years that we escaped away to a lodge in Northern WI! TEN YEARS! And oh what a treat it was……take a little look! 🙂
What a blessing you have found in each other. Total acceptance is very uncommon these days. Do everything you can to stay connected. This is a gift unlike any other.
A younger generation of the BFG’s! You go girls!!