How to make a Valentine Surprise ball!

I have been eyeing others make these Surprise Balls for along while, so this year I am WILDLY excited about making some for my kids. Truthfully, they aren’t anything super magical….just a few dollars worth of treasures from the dollar store, but the fun and wonder of what’s inside (I hope) will captivate and bring GIANT smile’s to my kids faces!
What is a surprise ball?
It’s just crepe paper wrapped into a ball, and as you wrap, you stick little treasures inside so that as the ball is unraveled, surprise are found!

- 1 ball of crepe paper per surprise ball
- ALLLLL of your surprises (list of ideas below)
- Hot glue gun
- Anything that you want for embellishments or decorations: pom poms, tassels, string, etc
- a “center item” for the middle: either a toy, box of more surprise, or hefty item to begin your ball
My ideas of SURPRISES for the surprise balls:
- Temporary tattoos
- Stickers
- Money (dollars or coins…coins may get heavy, so many not too many coins)
- Any paper notes or Valentines
- Gum
- Little erasers
- Small mints or hard candies
- Gift Certificates (homemade or purchased)
- Seed packets
- Dress up necklaces or jewelry
- Trading cards
- Balloons
- Confetti packets
How to make Surprise Balls:

- Start with a “center item” (if it’s a box, fill it with the items you want) and begin wrapping your tissue around the item. The crepe paper won’t be flat at first, but remember that the more you wrap, the “smoother” it will be. When I’m wrapping, I will pull soooooo slightly to get it “taught” so that it is as “tight” as possible while wrapping.

2. Once you get a few layers of crepe paper, begin wrapping in your surprises. Space them out according to how many surprise you have. You don’t want them all to “fall out” at the same time 🙂 You’ll want a sense of wonder as it is being unwrapped

3. Once you are done, put a dab of hot glue on the end to hold it in place. Then embellish or decorate as much or as little as you’d like! You could even add a name tag if you wanted 🙂