Felt Mistletoe DIY

Who doesn’t love a good DIY around the holiday season ANNNND who doesn’t love a good mistletoe to smooch under?!?! Today I am sharing just the cutest little Mistletoe Felt DIY that you can whip up before that holiday party or before you host your family for the weekend! Just grab some felt and wire and give yourself a little Hallmark-esque moment while you steal those kisses from the ones you love! 🙂
- Green felt (in as many colors as you’d like to create depth…I used 2)
- Sharp scissors
- Ribbon or string for hanging
- Hot glue or fabric glue
- jewelry wire or thin wire
- optional white pom poms for berries 🙂
- PDF pattern of mistletoe shapes
1. Cut out at least 3 sets (2 of the same shape) of the mistletoe from green felt. I used 2 colors and cut out 3 sets of big ones and 2 sets of small ones (2 of each to make a “set”).

2. With your wire, begin to cut out smaller pieces to glue between the 2 layers of felt. Start with cutting a big piece that goes down the middle and then as many small pieces to go down from the center to the other “arms” of the mistletoe.

Then with your hot glue or fabric glue begin to put small dots off glue on your mistletoe to hold the wire in place. Allow to fully dry

3. Layer another piece of the same size mistletoe over top of your wire to make a “sandwich” (of felt-wire pieces glued in-felt)

4. Repeat steps 2-3 with as many pieces as desired! 🙂

5. Then line up the top stem area and with a piece of string, tie the mistletoe pieces together. You can use a dab of glue if necessary to hold together in place.

6. The last step is top optionally glue some white pom poms to the mistletoe for berries! 🙂 Then hang in your fave mistletoe and/or smooching spot in your house 🙂

I can’t seem to find the PDF pattern of mistletoe shapes. Do you have it posted for this project?
OMGOSH! I just linked it — the link was broken so sorry! But it’s all fixed now! 🙂
Where did you find your felt?! Doing this asap and struggling to find your quality wool felt and colors. Also what was the wire gauge you used? So excited to make these. Thanks for making the pattern available!!