DIY Thanksgiving pie stencils

My favorite of most favorite holidays ever is HANDS DOWN Thanksgiving. It’s the most relaxed day, full of food and family and laughter and games and the best part is that it ends with PIE! 🙂 PIEEEE! 🙂 So why not make it cuter to display and more fun to eat than with this DIY Thanksgiving hand lettered pie stencil!
This pie stencil is SUPER duper easy and has big *promises* to impress your family and friends when it comes time to eat! It really is only a few steps AND there is even two different ways to use the stencil (all depending on whether or not you want to keep them and re-use for a birthday party or other holiday or next Thanksgiving.)

- Print off one of the pie stencils below:
THANKFUL STENCIL - Trace to acetate plastic OR use as paper stencil:
- Tracing to acetate will allow you to reuse your stencil year after year OR use it for a birthday or other celebration. More durable and easy to wash! 🙂 Trace with a sharpie onto plastic and then cut out with x-acto knife.
- If you are using the paper route (just as easy, but not reusable) cut out the lettering using an x-acto knife or scissors
- Sift powdered sugar with a sift or fine strainer so that it removes any lumps. This makes for the most clean and pretty edges for the stencil
- Lay stencil onto pie and then sift powdered sugar to each pie in a generous amount.
- You could also try this with whipped cream, but spreading over stencil (acetate plastic would be ideal), chilling pie and then removing the stencil when whipped cream is slightly chilled
- You could also try this with whipped cream, but spreading over stencil (acetate plastic would be ideal), chilling pie and then removing the stencil when whipped cream is slightly chilled
**One thing to note is that you want to do the stenciling right before service. Depending on the temperature of your pie, the powdered sugar could melt and then disintegrate into the pie itself. If the pie is room temperate, that is less likely to happen, but it is best to stencil just before serving! 🙂