Colorful Halloween Cheesecloth Ghosts
this project is in partnership with Colorshot and their colorful and awesome spray paint 🙂

If you’re a kid of the 80s (or perhaps a kid of any era) then you TOTALLY know the cheesecloth ghosts and perhaps even have some laying around your house! 🙂 WELLLLL, let me show you how to amp up your Halloween cheese cloth ghost game (or any other older Halloween decor that you have lying around for that matter) and turn your black and white into a colorful rainbow of happiness using the ever-so-awesome array of Colorshot spray paints! 🙂

And if you don’t know how to make these ULTRA EASY cheesecloth ghosts, head over to THIS BLOG POST HERE for a tutorial full of all the tips and tricks from the zillion times that I’ve made these! 🙂 But truthfully after you’ve made them, the plain white isn’t going to stand any more…nope….they need some personalization! DUH! At to me, personalization always means COLOR COLOR COLORRRR! 🙂
(oh, and I found some old fake pumpkins to add into the mix too)! 🙂

- Some cheesecloth ghosts (or any Halloween decor that you want to up-cycle honestly…I added in some small pumpkins as I got to spraying)!
- Your fave colors of Colorshot spray paint (I listed the ones I used below)
- Paper, plastic or cardboard to cover your worksurface
- Some black felt
- Scissors
- A bottle of Aleene’s Felt and Foam Tacky Glue (this stuff is the best)

1. Prep your work surface with some old cardboard boxes or plastic painting cloth. Then lay out your cheesecloth ghosts and decide what ghost gets what color of spray paint 🙂
The colors of the amazing Colorshot spray paint I used were:
- First Million
- Cosmo
- Summer Pedicure
- Lucky Penny
- Emoji with a little Treasure Chest over top
- Treasure Chest
- Extra Guacamole
- Island Girl
- Mermaid

2. I wanted to sort of blend the spray paint and make the bottom of the ghosts the most pigmented and leave the top white….so here are some tips on how I did that:
- Hold the ghost by the rounded head with one hand and your spray paint in the other
- The very bottom 1/3 – 1/4 you want solid, so begin spraying your ghosts (and the “tentacles” that touch the table at the bottom) solid with your spray color
- Keep rotating or moving your wrist with the ghost in your hand as you’re spraying as not to overspray in one area of the ghost (the color pics up SOOOOO well on the cheesecloth)
- As you move “up” towards the head, you want the color to fade, so gentle up on the spray nozzle and move the nozzle father away from the cloth. But keep going back and forth over the ghost while rotating in your hand
- Be sure to get all of the creases at the bottom of the ghost (you don’t want any random white spots)
- And remember, the sky is the limit with these, so if you want to make the ghosts 2 toned, DO IT! If you want to fade them from color to black, DO IT! If you want to do all metallic colors, DO IT! 🙂 Use the awesome Colorshot spray paint and HAVE FUN WITH THIS 🙂

3. Set the ghosts (and pumpkins or whatever other decor you’ve scrounged up) aside to fully drying for at least 2 hours! 🙂
4. Optional step (but I looooove the personality that this gives)! Using some black felt, begin cutting out some eyeballs for each ghost. You can make these as round or as oval, as large or small as you want! You surely can create some adorable expressions with the ghosts as you play around with the shape and size and location of the eyeballs on your ghosts, so have some fun!
Using some of the awesome Aleene’s Felt and Foam tacky glue, begin glueing the eyeballs onto the ghosts, and then arrange them on your porch, table, mantle or wherever you need an extra colorful Halloween-y splash! 🙂

Can you use goggle eye on this
You absolutely can! And what a cute idea – googlie eyes are SOOOOO fun!