toast with butter costume

When you love carbs THIS much, then the obvious choice is to wear some bread, errrr Toast, for Halloween! DUH!
This is one of those simple DIY’s that require only a few supplies to make a BIG, cute, squishy costume (that I REALLLLY wish was real…because can you imagine how incredible a large slice with pillowy, yummy, glutenous holes would be?)

This yummy toast was featured in the latest issue of Country Living, so if you saw it there and are coming to find the DIY, I’m giving you a big ol’ HELLLLOOOOO and bread-filled high five
- 2 inch thick foam (we bought ours from Amazon, linked HERE)
- Xacto knife + straight edge
- Tape measure
- Sharpie marker
- hot glue gun + hot glue
- brown + tan spray paint or acrylic paint
- 1 yard of 1/2” elastic
- 1/8 – 1/4 yard of yellow fabric for butter
- Cut foam + shape bread
Our foam was 2” thick, and I wanted the crust of the toast to “stand up” away from the bread portion. So I measured a 2.5” strip down the length of the foam and cut with a straight edge.
Use the remaining foam to cut the size of the bread square/rectangle. Trim away and smooth the edges/shape of the rectangle to a bread piece (round edges and shape).

2. Paint bread + crust
Paint the bread and the crust with 3 (or 4) different kinds of spray paint. Spray paint works best because you want to gradate the colors across the foam and this is awesome to do with spray paint. It allows you to layer and “work” the foam to get the achieved results. Google and reference a picture of toast if you need to (I always reference the“real life” things when making a costume).
I first covered the crust with the darker color and layered a bit of a lighter on top (for a 2 toned look). Then I covered the whole bread with the lightest color (to take away the stark white of the foam). The began layering other colors on top for the perfect “toasted” look.

3. Make butter pad
With any extra foam, cut a square for your butter. Then with your yellow fabric, begin to wrap your butter pad like you are wrapping a present with fabric to get seamless corners square corners. Tack down with your hot glue gun. Set aside.

4. Assemble + add straps
With the hot glue gun begin assembling the toast by gluing the crust to the outer edges of the toast. Remember that I cut the crust “higher” than the toast, so play with the depth as you glue it on to make it the most realistic. Then add your butter pad to the top where desired.
Hold the toast up to your body and measure the approximate length of the elastic needed. Attach the elastic across your shoulders and back in a criss-cross pattern from one shoulder to the opposite side of the back of the toast. Secure with hot glue and allow to fully cool before wearing the costume!

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