Splatter painted overall DIY!
*this project is in partnership with Tulip and their hands-down best fabric paint EVER 🙂

Tis the days when I need to cover up alllll of the stains on my clothing from being a Mom! BUUUT BUT BUT BUT let me tell you that after splatter painting these overalls, I actually think I am *more* stylish with these colorful splatters and paint marks than before (thanks to this amazing soft brush on Tulip fabric paint)!

FOR REAL! You don’t even need some overalls to mark this project amazing….in fact, you can do this to some old denim jeans, a fave sweatshirt that just needs some more love OR even some of your kiddos fave clothings!!!! 🙂 I’m telling you, this technique is so versatile and is the master “cover up those stains” type of fashion!

- A pair of overalls that need some love – old or thrifted are ideal 🙂
- A package of Tulip Soft Brush on Fabric Paint
- A handful of paint brushes
- Containers for mixing paint 🙂
- Some old cardboard or pizza boxes or cereal boxes

1. Wash your overalls and get out any icky spots or dirt (if there is any) so that you start with a clean slate 🙂 Dry 🙂
2. Prep your area and paints. Lay out some paper or newspaper or a garbage bag to protect your surface (remember we will be splattering 🙂 and then prep your paints by squirting paints into containers (I used paper cups…but you could use almost anything to hold your paint colors).

3. Lay out your overalls and begin to insert cardboard or recycled pieces of boxes into the areas of the overalls you want to paint (Denim tends to be thicker than regular cotton, BUUUUUT you don’t want your paint to bleed through if you get REAL bananas with the paint application).

Here are some tips and things I found working with this awesome Tulip Soft Brush on fabric paint:
- Mix with water for a more muted look – I watered down the paint just a super small smidge so that it splattered easily and that I could layer and layer and layer with colors
- I started with white so that I had a good “base” for adding color and splatters and such
- Be GENEROUS with paint……this paint is AMAZING and the more layering and the more splattering and the more color the BETTER 🙂
- This paint goes on EASSSYYY which makes it easy to even brush stroke and paint figures or whatever you feel inspired to paint

5. Allow your overalls to sit and dry for at least 4 hours – mine took a touch more because of the larger splatter spots 🙂
Follow the directions on the back of the package + be sure to allow to dry 72 hours before washing inside out. Then wear all over the town and everyone will tell you just how ADORABLE you look in them! DUH! 🙂